The Next NBA

The Next NBA

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Okur: What the hell was the Jazz thinking when they offered Okur $50/6. I can understand Boozer’s $68/6 because the potential is there but Okur? S. Swift would even be a better move. Of course the Pistons have no intention of matching Utah’s offer. No one is going to match an offer like that. Well, good-by Ostertag and welcome to Utah, Okur. I’m actually going to miss Ostertag if Utah don’t resign him. He was funny to watch. He took a lot of shit from Utah. Everyone said he wasn’t worth the money and K. Malone called him the laziest player he ever played with. Talk about lazy, Okur doesn’t even run when he plays. He just walks around like he’s all clam and cool and when the person he’s guarding takes a shot, he’s all surprised and tries to reach for a block, while thinking “man, I’m not guarding you but why the hell you got to shoot it?” I don’t mean to diss Okur but for $50/6, you better be able to handle all the heat if you don’t know how to run? It's a good thing, K. Malone is no longer there.